Reportability Analysis

DAC6 Hallmarks

Your requirements

Our DAC6 Reportability Analysis service is designed for our Clients with tactical DAC6 technical understanding, who are in need of deeper DAC6 analytical and operational support.

You and your team have a solid sense of the scope of DAC6 and the application of DAC6 Hallmarks to your operations, but seek specialist consulting in your identification of Reportable Arrangements and your report preparations.

You are looking for an expert partner who can reliably assess whether a specific transaction is in scope of DAC6 and whether you qualify as an Intermediary and thus have a reporting duty. Further, you want a partner to prepare the reportable information, convert the data into the XML format appropriate to your jurisdiction and return it to you promptly, so that it is ready for submission on your local DAC6 portal prior to the expiration of the 30-day deadline.

Our solution

Guided by BlueBridge’s user-friendly In-take Form 2, you compile and send to us the information relevant to the transaction in question. We will analyse the transaction and your role in it to determine whether the transaction qualifies as a Reportable Arrangement and whether you qualify as a DAC6 Reporting Intermediary. If we conclude that you have a reporting obligation with respect to a Reportable Arrangement, we will prepare a report in the jurisdictionally correct XML format and then send it to you via a secure data transfer, so you can submit the report via your local DAC6 portal.

How it works

Report production scheme

Key Features

1. You share relevant transaction information via In-take Form 2
2. BlueBridge evaluates the reportability of a transaction
3. BlueBridge prepares the Reportable Information in the applicable XML format
4. You submit the report on your local DAC6 reporting portal
5. You retain liability for any reporting defects

Key benefits

Analytical expertise

The tax professionals at BlueBridge count amongst the foremost experts on DAC6 and related fields, conducting analyses, publishing articles and making presentations on the intermediary disclosure regime since 2018.

Integrated solution

BlueBridge combines the tax technical skills and the operational expertise needed to cope with every step, demand and nuance of the DAC6 reporting regime.

Operational reliability

BlueBridge promises precision and reliability throughout all stages of reporting, further enhanced by our singular dedication to DAC6 reporting services and nothing else.


With our pay-as-you-go model, you use our platform for reports as and when you need them, with no upfront payments or long-term financial commitments.

Offering complete freedom from DAC6

Number one
Report Production
Number two
Reportability Analysis
Number three
Report Submission and Liability Relief
Number one
EUR 100.00
Number two
EUR 400.00
Number three
Report Submission and
Liability Relief
EUR 750.00
XML template conversion Yes Yes Yes
Reportability analysis No Yes Yes
Reportable data preparation No Yes Yes
Report submission No No Yes
Liability relief No No Yes