On 22 September 2021, we presented a webinar on the DAC6 Reporting in Cyprus with a focus on practical aspects of DAC6 reporting.
During the webinar we focused on sharing our own experience from the DAC6 reporting front in Cyprus and walked you through the complete reporting journey from initial registration to coping with any post-submission error messages. In particular we covered the following:
- The Ariadni Portal registration procedures for DAC6
- Preparation of reportable information
- A real case example of an XML with reportable data
- The operational steps to DAC6 report submission
- The consequences of submission errors
- The DAC6 report submission deadlines and penalties
We answered many of your questions and provided you with checklists and practical tips to help you successfully file DAC6 reports.
If you missed the webinar but are interested in learning more about this particular DAC6 topic:
- You can download our BlueBridge DAC6 Reporting in Cyprus - our experience.pdf presentation from the webinar
- You can access a replay of our webinar on our YouTube channel
- If you are still unsure how to tackle your DAC6 reporting duties, check out our recent article on how to choose a DAC6 reporting tool.
For any specific inquiries you have concerning DAC6 reporting and/or the BlueBridge menu of service offerings, you can email us at hello@bluebridgelimited.com