On 14th April 2021, we presented a webinar on the DAC6 Intragroup Hallmarks: The Hallmarks targeting cross-border transactions between related parties that seek to arbitrage differing tax treatments across jurisdictions (e.g. applicable tax rates, depreciation and asset valuation techniques and transfer pricing unilateral safe harbors).
During the webinar we explored the underlying aims and EU-wide interpretations of these Hallmarks, along with the mechanics of DAC6 disclosures where the reporting Intermediaries are in-house experts, rather than external advisors.
If you missed the webinar but are interested in learning more about this particular DAC6 topic:
- You can download our BlueBridge DAC6 Corporates Presentation.pdf from the webinar
- You can access a replay of our webinar on our YouTube channel (available as audio only for use with the presentation slides)
- If you are still unsure how to tackle your DAC6 reporting duties, check out our recent article on how to choose a DAC6 reporting tool.
- For any specific inquiries you have concerning DAC6 reporting and/or the BlueBridge menu of service offerings, you can email us at hello@bluebridgelimited.com